Thursday, February 12, 2004

I was recently reminded that some people don't vote. They don't vote for a variety of "reasons". To me any "reason" to not vote is simply an excuse (lest you're in a coma or unexpectedly bedridden).

I always vote. Always.

Some 372 years ago my first European ancestors arrived in this country. It took a while, but they finally really got their hair up and took a chance to stand on the side of liberty. I believe that my first relative to stand under fire did so April 19, 1776 in a little village called Lexington. There were several more who took up arms in support of what was the beginning of the free world. One relative by marriage shot a certain General Frasier at Freemans Farm (Saratoga, NY). Since then, there has been at least one direct ancestor of mine who served in time of war, the only exception being my Grandfather who was rejected for having TB in 1917. I would hate to think that the my right to have my voice heard through my representatives, fought for by my grandfathers (and suffered through by the grandmothers left behind), was lost due to my laziness or ignorance.

Sloth and apathy are the allies of evil. When you don't vote you are in fact voting for evil. As God is my witness I believe this. To me voting is a sacred duty, a sacrament of free will, free will given by God.


Now some might think this over the top, but consider that your shooting rights are controlled for a reason. That reason is to limit your free will, not to protect or defend others but to keep you from defending yourself and your family. Your vote is the only thing that prevents these people from winning here. I also believe that freedom here gives hope and encouragement to the many millions worldwide that they might also be free. It isn't just about guns...


So far as actual shooting, I've not had the time to fire a single round.

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