I've created a legend to match the letters that identify the various features that are different between the two vintages. It should be self explanatory.
A - Angles & Contours or Upper Edges of Receiver, Step at Front of Bolt
B - Angles & Contours of Lower Edges of Receiver
C - Round or oval cut to rear of blot face surrounding extractor, machine cuts on sides of front end of bolt.
D - Link pin retaining screw - pre-64
E - Link pin - pre-64
F - Finger lever link screw - pre-64
G - Finger lever pin - post-64
H - Finger lever pin stop screw; small pre-64 - larger post-64
I - Cartridge guide screws; threads from inside pre-64, thread from outside post-64
J - Hammer screw: larger head pre-64
K - Hammer/link screw post-64
L - Firing pin retaining pin omitted on post-64
M - Spring cover screw
N - Carrier screw; 2 used pre-64
O - Carrier screw; 1 used post-64
P - Spring cover; machined pre-64, stamped post-64
Q - Carrier spring screw
R - Trigger; machined pre-64, cast post-64

-Joe Miller-
Thank you very much for the excellent photos and article. I lucked out today and bought a mint pre64 W94, .32spl. Thanks again. jkc
Will sights (rear dovetail buckhorn,elevator and front hood) from a post 64 fit a pre 64 model 94. Email is sgcarle@aol.com
Thank you for all your hard work putting together this great information on the Winchester 1894. I have wanted one for years. Today I was able to pick up a fairly nice 30-30 pre 64 model 94. Unfortunately the previous owner drilled some holes for a scope. Wondering what you might suggest for that.
Thanks so much. I was looking for this information for awhile. I wish mine was a pre 64 but no luck . But my 30-30 still shoots great. Thanks again.
Hi i wanna know if the casted carrier fit my early post 64? As i have a stamped plate carrier and it cracked
I'm staring at my disassembled 30-30 wondering what kind of bastardized firearm did I end up with? It turns out, this project I (inexpensively) took on is a mash-up of the pre and post 64 model 94 known as the Ranger. I knew it was made in the late 1980s, but I had no idea it was a mix up of both models! It has the look and feel of a pre 64 with the pin and screw placement of a post 64 and some parts have both features. Wild! No wonder the previous owner threw his hands up and walked away. But now I know what I'm looking at!
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