Senator George Allen has introduced S.3275, a bill that would make a concealed handgun or weapon permit valid in all 50 states!
There are 13 co-sponsors as of now:
Sen Burns, Conrad R. [MT] - 6/5/2006
Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 5/26/2006
Sen Craig, Larry E. [ID] - 5/26/2006
Sen Crapo, Mike [ID] - 5/26/2006
Sen Dole, Elizabeth [NC] - 5/26/2006
Sen Ensign, John [NV] - 5/26/2006
Sen Inhofe, James M. [OK] - 5/26/2006
Sen Lott, Trent [MS] - 5/26/2006
Sen Martinez, Mel [FL] - 5/26/2006
Sen Nelson, E. Benjamin [NE] - 5/26/2006
Sen Sununu, John E. [NH] - 5/26/2006
Sen Thune, John [SD] - 5/26/2006
Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 5/26/2006
Here is the text of the bill for those interested:
A BILLTo amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a national standard in accordance with which nonresidents of a State may carry concealed firearms in the State.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) In General- Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 926C the following:`Sec. 926D. National standard for the carrying of certain concealed firearms by nonresidents
`(a) Definition- In this section, the term `another State' means a State other than the State from which a person holds a license or permit described in subsection (b)(2).
`(b) Authorization- Notwithstanding any provision of the law of any State or political subdivision thereof, and subject to subsection (c), a person may carry a concealed firearm (other than a machinegun or destructive device) that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce in another State if the person--
`(1) is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm; and
`(2) is carrying a valid license or permit that--
`(A) is issued by a State; and
`(B) permits the person to carry a concealed firearm (other than a machinegun or destructive device).
`(c) Licensing-
`(1) IN GENERAL- If another State issues licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms, a person may carry a concealed firearm in that State under this section under the same restrictions that apply to the carrying of a concealed firearm by a person to whom that State has issued such a license or permit.
`(2) NO LICENSES BY STATE- Except to the extent expressly permitted by State law, if another State does not issue licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms, a person may not carry a concealed firearm in that State under this section--
`(A) in a police station;
`(B) in a public detention facility;
`(C) in a courthouse;
`(D) in a public polling place;
`(E) at a meeting of a State, county, or municipal governing body;
`(F) in a school;
`(G) at a professional or school athletic event not related to firearms;
`(H) in a portion of an establishment licensed by that State to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises; or
`(I) inside the sterile or passenger area of an airport.'.
(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections for Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 926C the following:
`926D. National standard for the carrying of certain concealed firearms by nonresidents.'.
Call, write, e-mail your Senators and get them on board with this bill.