This pistol has a more interesting life story than most. It was stolen from a local market whose owner had been but briefly engaged as a firearms dealer as well as purveyor of bread and lunchmeats. That was 10 years ago. 2 weeks ago, an earnest member of some New York City police department confiscated the gun in connection with another crime and two days ago it was returned to the former owner. He doesn't want it. Now, I'll be searching for magazines and *sigh* need to buy another holster.
According to the serial number this gun was built in 1987. The same serial is on slide, barrel and receiver. It appears to be a Belgian made MK II. It has a parkerized finish, fixed sights, ambidextrous safety(s), and those funky but fairly comfortable dual thumbrest plastic stocks. Except for the initials "AH" on the right side of the dustcover (they look like they were penciled onto, NOT engraved or electropenciled) it is in fine shape with a good bore, no rust, etc. Unfortunately, the original magazine is somewhere else so it has a Mecgar in place. I do have one of the Hungarian mags at the house.
According to the serial number this gun was built in 1987. The same serial is on slide, barrel and receiver. It appears to be a Belgian made MK II. It has a parkerized finish, fixed sights, ambidextrous safety(s), and those funky but fairly comfortable dual thumbrest plastic stocks. Except for the initials "AH" on the right side of the dustcover (they look like they were penciled onto, NOT engraved or electropenciled) it is in fine shape with a good bore, no rust, etc. Unfortunately, the original magazine is somewhere else so it has a Mecgar in place. I do have one of the Hungarian mags at the house.
Because of the mark, I managed to get it for something less than I would have expected.
This particular photo doesn't do it justice. Shown here with the current stock of magazines (from left to right) the Mecgar 15-round, 2 factory 13-round, FEG 13-round, and Mecgar 10-round (which came with the gun).
Since getting the gun I've gotten several Mecgar 15-round mags and a couple of the standard factory 13-round mags. All function perfectly with ball (to be expected) and with the Remington 124 gr. load (non plus-p). Given the use this gun sees, a Bianchi 19L holster seems to fit the bill for me. The neat stocks came from CDNN Investments.
- Stephen A. Camp's Hi Powers and Handguns
- Disassembly Instructions (NRA)