Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hatfields and McCoys Play

The play is sadly lacking in what would really sell the area, namely local music, authentic costuming and props. The houses will do but the guns and especially the blanks should be re-looked. Guns used are mostly a selection of double action revolvers, old single-shot shotguns (even for the Civil War soldiers), Winchester 1894s, and one Marlin 336. The blanks are too loud for safety. I'm a long time shooter and the initial series of blasts (very near to the audience) left my ears ringing.

The story of the Hatfield/McCoy feud itself is pretty closely followed, the girl playing Roseanne even very close in appearance. The music is another thing entirely. I wish the composer had incorporated more Appalachian music.

But of course, it was the guns that I noticed first and most disappointed me.

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